Rob är extremt hygenisk!
Sure, he looks foul-smelling, but would you believe Twilight star Robert Pattinson is really “incredibly hygienic”? So hygienic, in fact, that he’s a threat to himself and his teeth? It’s true, claims his Eclipse co-star Bryce Dallas Howard! When we ran into her at the recent New York premiere of her new movie, the Tennessee Williams–scripted The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond (out today), she told us about her first brush with Rob: “I actually came out to him that I was totally nervous about [meeting him],” said Howard, who will replace Rachelle Lafevre as evil vampire Victoria in next year’s Twilight 3.
“He’s such a sweet young man, and there’s such a distinctive difference between him and Edward Cullen. He does such a wonderful job embodying that character, and bringing that character to life. But when you meet him, he’s such a down-to-earth, humble person, you feel bad freaking out around him.”
“But what does he smell like?” we inquired. “Actually, he’s incredibly hygienic,” Howard insisted. “He told me this story that made me crack up. He was like, ‘Oh, I have to go to the dentist.’ And I was like, ‘Oh no, what happened? Just a check-up?’ And he was like, ‘No, I chipped a tooth.’ And I was like, ‘How?’ And he was like, ‘Flossing.’ Who does that? I don’t even floss. So he’s hygienic. Trust me.”
Säger hon.
Men asså, varför skulle han inte tvätta håret och sånt? Korkade skvaller(hitta-på-allt-de-skriver-om) tidningar!
Smittat fans hoppar på Rob!?
Fansen är galna i Robert Pattinson, och de gör bokstavligen vad som helst för att komma nära sin idol. En beundrarinna ska nyligen ha kastat sig runt halsen på skådishunken och gett honom en blöt kyss, trots att hon var smittad med svininfluensan.
Enligt OK magazine ska tjejen i fråga ska ha hoppat ut från en bil och sprungit fram till skådishunken.
— Min mamma ville inte stanna bilen och släppa ut mig för jag håller precis på att tillfriskna från svininfluensan… Så jag hoppade ut vid ett rödljus bara för att träffa dig, ska hon ha sagt.
Svaret var dock kanske inte det hon väntat.
— Har du svininfluensan?! Varför i h*lvete pussar du på någon över huvud taget?, ska en uppjagad Rob ha skrikit tillbaka.
”Twilight”-stjärnan ska sedan ha gett sina säkerhetsvakter en rejäl utskällning…
Världens mest eftertraktade läppar!
Twilightstjärnan Robert Pattinson har den mest eftertraktade munnen!
46-åringarna Brad Pitt och Johnny Depp har länge varit ohotade på tronen.
Men nu får de se sig slagna – av en hälften så gammal gosse.
Brittiske Twilight-tjärnan Robert Pattison, 23, är den Hollywoodstjärna vi helst vill kyssa.
Under Park Christmas Savings årliga undersökning om Hollywoods mest kyssvänliga läppar vinner nämligen engelske Robert Pattinson en fullständigt förkrossande seger. Hela 54 procent av de tillfrågade skulle helst pussa honom under misteln.
Bara 17 procent väljer Johnny Depp, som kom på andra plats. Brad Pitt fick nöja sig med en förödmjukande tredjeplats och tio procent av rösterna. På fjärde plats kom Leonardo DiCaprio, medan ”Harry Potter”, Daniel Radcliffe, blev femma.
2010 med Rob
Här är filmerna som vi kommer få se Rob i år 2010!
Remember Me
Opening Date: March 12, 2010
CoStars: Emilie De Ravin, Pierce Brosnan, Chris Cooper & Martha Plimpton.
Plot: Pattinson plays Tyler a man floundering in New York City while trying to figure out his life without the help of his powerful father (Pierce Brosnan). Tyler finds himself in one fight after the next but when he meets a fellow student, his life is forever changed.
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Opening Date: June 30, 2010
CoStars: Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, Ashley Greene, Peter Facinelli, Nikki Reed, Kellan Lutz, Jackson Rathbone & Elizabeth Reaser.
Plot: The Saga continues in the third installment where Bella makes her decision between vampire Edward and her best friend werewolf Jacob. There is no shortness of drama in this installment, as the Cullen’s and the Wolf Pack team up together to help fight off the evil vampires who are out for blood.
Unbound Captives
Opening Date: 2010
CoStars: Rachel Weisz Hugh Jackman & Garret Dillahunt.
Plot: This period piece follows May (Rachel Weisz) who plays a women whose children have been kidnapped after the terrible death of her husband. Tom (Hugh Jackman) assists May in finding her lost son Phineas (Robert Pattinson) in the sweeping epic tale.
Ny bild från Remember me!
Rob is team Jacob?
"In the Twilight Saga, Jacob Black is his character's biggest rival for Bella's love. As Edward, he gets the girl in the end, but is Robert Pattinson on Team Jacob in real life?!
Rob gave an interview to British news outfit GMTV, who asked him which character he thought was best for Bella. And his answer will leave you howling!
RPattz revealed that he always hated the couples in high school that isolated themselves and lost all their friends — the kind of relationship that he said Edward and Bella have!
So does that mean he's on Team Jacob? Of course, the interviewer doesn't have the brains to ask, but we're pretty sure we know what he's saying — he may be a vampire, but RPattz was rooting for Jacob!"
Robert i London
Edward Cullen - världens vackraste varelse..
Robert Pattinson intervju
Probably the Volterra scene, where I have to step into the light. There were many extras and many fans there. Some fans traveled across the world to be there.
I felt a huge sense of responsibility, being in front of so many that are so obsessed with this story. It was nerve wrecking, but I never felt closer to the character before this.
What about the scene where your character leaves Bella?
It was strange, but the fans helped.To them, Bella and Edward’s relationship is ideal. You can feel the weight of the pressure.
Is there anything you have in common with Edward?
I guess. Sometimes I can be very dumb too. And I’m very possessive and obsessive like him.
Has your life style changed a lot? How do you feel when you finally have the chance to leave the studio and live real life?
That is the problem. I never leave the set. Since January 14th I’ve been to three different movie sets. I only had 3 days off. I can’t really say if my life has changed that much because I’m still inside a studio, and I will be next year too. But I feel like I’m the same person. Don’t know if that’s a good thing.
When I saw the movie Titanic I didn’t think it was a movie just for women. The only romantic thing I ever did was hide flowers for a girl, she thought it was another guy and he didn’t correct her, so that didn’t turn out very good for me (he can’t stop laughing now).
Rob intervju
Merry Xmas Rob
Rob & Kris
See him everywhere!
Remember Me stills
Rob på Oscarsgalan
Ny still från Remember me.
De flesta av er har säkert hört talas om Robsessed, boxen med en dokumentär om Robert, som släpptes för ett tag sedan. Den går att bevaka hos CDON.
Boxen består av två DVD-skivor. Den ena innehåller själva dokumentären, medan den andra är filmen The Haunted Airman med Robert Pattinson. Med boxen följer även en fotokalender som ni kan se på bilden ovan!
Asså tänk er, han gick från att vara nästan okänd för alla till att vara alla tjejers dröm!