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(Som ni märker också går det inte så bra här på bloggen.. Har lixom gått upp och ner och det har funnits massor av problem, etc.)
Dock skulle jag mer än gärna behöva en delägare som hjälper till att blogga! För som ni själva ser blir det inte så mycket när man bara är en och är upptagen..
Så, någon som också vill blogga om den här underbara Robert Pattinson?

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Dagens citat (+skämt)

Ew. Someone put the dog out.
Rosalie Hale, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 16, p.323
Ny EW outtake på Kris & Tay!

Jätte söta :D
Nya t-shirts hos CDON.com!

Vad tycks? :D
Håller dock med dom på TTS, de borde skaffa fler bilder på the couples! T.ex Jasper & Alice, Victoria & Riley. Etc.
Källa: TTS

Ny still på Edward - uuuunderbar! ♥

Källa: TTS
Btw, fortfarande ingen som vill gästblogga här Söndag-Tisdag/Onsdag? Ska som sagt till Stockholm, tar med datorn men kan inte lova att jag får tillgång till internet..

MTV förklarar om Breaking Dawn premiären

Now, Summit has officially announced that ”Breaking Dawn, Part 2″ will open November 2012, and with that, another assumption seems to be taking hold among fans and on the Web: After ”Eclipse” failed to wildly out-gross ”New Moon” at the box office, Summit got spooked about a summer release date and fled to more familiar autumn territory. But based on our conversations with Summit and box-office analysts, that’s simply not the case.
First off, it’s important to note that despite all this talk about a weaker-than-expected performance for ”Eclipse,” its $289 million haul will eventually surpass the $297 million that ”New Moon” pulled in last fall, according to Box Office Mojo.
When you consider that sequels like ”Shrek Forever After” and ”Sex and the City 2″ underperformed in the crowded summer movie season, Summit has got to be extremely pleased with the box-office business of ”Eclipse.” So if it’s not a fear of summer that persuaded Summit to deliver both ”Breaking Dawn” films in the fall, then what was it? A careful examination of the 2012 summer calendar.
”The lesson is that it’s all about positioning a film at a time when it will face as little direct competition as possible,” explained Phil Contrino, editor of BoxOffice.com. ”Summit was wise to stay away from Summer 2012, because it’s shaping up to be a record-breaking season.”
”The Avengers,” ”Madagascar 3″ and ”Men in Black 3″ are all set to drop that May, followed by ”Star Trek 2″ in June, and then new installments of ”Spider-Man” (which already occupies the Fourth of July slot held this year by ”Eclipse”), ”Ice Age” and ”Batman.”
”Why compete with an amazing slate like that if you don’t have to?” Contrino added. ”I’m sure ”Breaking Dawn, Part 2″ would still open very well during a summer that crowded, but its audience would be devoured very quickly.”
The point, then, is not that summer is a poor time in which to release a ”Twilight” film but that fall simply presents less competition, which is not to say that there will be no box-office battle in autumn. ”Breaking Dawn, Part I” is set to open against ”Happy Feet 2″ on November 18, 2011, while the second in the two-part finale will compete with ”Monsters Inc. 2″ on November 16, 2012. But when you consider the more jam-packed summer season and the fact that an entire year will have passed between ”Twilight” flicks — as opposed to the eight months between ”New Moon” and ”Eclipse” — the fall 2012 release date makes perfect sense.
”There’s a mood and spirit to these movies that make them play really well in the fall. They’re darker, they’re more emotional than standard summer fare, and thematically, fall is a great fit,” said John Singh, a box-office analyst for Flixster. ”It also allows the audience to build even greater anticipation — rather than seeing the follow-up just a few months later. This gives them a full year to anticipate the final film in a series that has generated hugely positive response from its fanbase.”

Källa: TTS

Ny video med när Robert sjunger
Jag älskar hans röst. Den är så speciell och så vacker.
Källa: TTS

Kristen Stewart - 4 nya EW outtakes.
Eclipse Ringtones!
Chris Weitz släppte ju massor av mp3 ringtones från new moon! Bla. När Edward läser Romeo & Julia.
Nu har David Slade gjort samma sak dock med Eclipse! Thank you säger jag bara!! :D Ska definitivt ladda ner alla och raka vägen in i min mobil! ;)
Jasper & Alice- Long version My apologies mam (26 sec)
Edward & Bella-Always be my Bella (26 sec)
Bella-There's nothing I am ever going to want more than Edward (7 sec)
Bella & Wolfpack-Wish Bella would call (18 sec)
Carlisle-Our kind is never more physically powerful (7 sec)
Charlie & Bella-OMG Dad...I'm a virgin (13 sec)
Jacob & Bella-WOW Chief Jacob (22 sec)
Edward & Jacob-If you ever touch her against her will again (12 sec)
Edward-Doesn't he own a shirt (5 sec)
Edward-(proposal) Isabella Swan, I promise to love you (12 sec)
Edward & Bella-Stop trying to take your clothes off (6 sec)
Bella-Fire and ice (27 sec)
Jacob-(Imprint)When you see her everything changes (28 sec)
Jacob & Edward-(tent) If we weren't natural enemies, I might like you (1:11)
Jasper & Emmett-Don't hold back...Not in my nature (7 sec)
Jasper-short version My apologies mam (6 sec)
Jasper-The 2 most important things to remember (21 sec)
Jasper-Never lose focus (7 sec)
Jasper-Never turn your back on your enemy (7 sec)
Alice & Jasper-After all how many times are we going to graduate high school (6 sec)
Jasper-Newborn speech to wolfpack (31 sec)
Jacob & Bella- long version Jacob kiss me, I'm asking you to kiss me (41 sec)
Edward & Bella-long version I would have courted you...(52 sec)
Jacob & wolfpack-short version Maybe I should call Bella & hang up (9 sec)
Riley- long version What do you want? (27 sec)
Riley- short version What do you want? (7 sec)
Jacob, Edward, & Bella-Team Switzerland (17 sec)
Edward & Bella-Now we have to tell Charlie...good thing you're bulletproof (45 sec)
Källa: Twifans

Dagens grymma bild

Kristen är en av de högst betalade skådespelerskorna
Hon har tjänat ungefär 12 miljoner dollar(ca 86 miljoner kronor!!) och hamnar på plats nummer 10!
Så här skriver Forbes:
The 20-year-old Stewart is recognizable to teens around the world as Bella, the human caught between a vampire and a werewolf in the Twilight series. The movies have so far earned $1.6 billion at the box office and made Stewart a star. She stretched her wings this year with the rock biopic The Runaways, playing Joan Jett.

Källa: KristenS

Inget TCA för Kristen?!!!!! :/
Gossip Cop inquired, and we finally have the answer...
Stewart will NOT be at the Teen Choices Awards.
A rep for the actress says, “She is away shooting On The Road.”

Men neeej, hon måste vara där! :( Hon kan väl iaf ta ledigt EN dag?
Källa: KristenS


Äntligen kan man ju på sätt och vis säga för att vi fått ett datum, men ändå inte.. ETT HELT ÅRS SKILLNAD!!!! Det är sjukt otroligt mycket mer än vad jag trodde!