Tältscenen i Eclipse
Källa: KristenS
Eclipse HQ-promos!
Ny still på Bella från Eclipse!
Källa: Twifans
Official Eclipse DVD-cover +info
Detta är den Mexikanska Dvd-covern! Antagligen kommer Sveriges också se ut så, wonderful! :D
Och den kommer ut någon gång i höst.
Genre: Drama
Rating: B
DVD EAN: 7506013134082
BLU-RAY EAN: 7506013134105
Country: USA
Year: 2010
Director:David Slade
Cast:Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Ashley Greene, Dakota Fanning
Format: DVD
Synopsis: Bella and Edward are reunited, but their relationship is again threatened by an evil vampire to seek revenge. Bella is forced to choose between the love she feels for Edward and friendship with Jacob Black says, while the struggle between vampires and werewolves continues. Will he lose his humanity Bella to join Edward in the world immortal?
The Proposal scene
Källa: Youtube
Källa: Twifans
Amazing eller what?!
Nya bilder från Eclipse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Muse i Eclipse soundtracket!
DVD & Blu-ray kommer ha Eclipse klipp!
David Slade twittrar om Eclipse!
Summit twittrar om Eclipse!
Nu får vi äntligen något nytt om Eclipse-filmen. MovieScore Magazine kan bekräfta att Howard Shore kommer att göra score soundtracket till Eclipse. Han är bland annat kompositören till scoret för Sagan Om Ringen-filmerna. Wow och yay, säger jag bara!! :)
'Howard Shore is on board to compose the original score for the third film in the Twilight series, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. Temple Hill Entertainment today confirmed to MovieScore Magazine that the Lord of the Rings composer is going to write the music for the film, following in the footsteps of Carter Burwell (who scored the first film in 2008) and Alexandre Desplat (who wrote the music for the second, New Moon). Shore has begun work, spotting the movie, this week.'
Eclipse countdown! :)
Fan-made Eclipse trailer!
Eclipse färdiredigerat snart!
David Slade, regissören till Eclipse, skrev nyss detta på twitter.
Alltså, Eclipse börjar bli färdigredigerad!
PS. Angående nyårspresenten skrev han på nyårsafton detta. Men det blir det ju tyvärr ingenting av. Gissar på att det var ett klipp / en trailer.
källa: kristenstewart.bloggplatsen.se
Fanmade eclipse poster
Franska Eclipse postern
173 dagar kvar..
Eclipse script leaked!
Obs! Spoiler alert! Första scenen i eclipse avslöjas här nedan i meningen.
Första scenen i eclipse kommer att vara en "hej och välkommen" scen för Bryce Dallas Howard aka Victoria 2.
Obs! Bildspoiler!
Eclipse trailer i Golden Globe?
Victoria played by Bryce Dellas Howard was AWESOME! You Really Couldnt Tell that they changed actresses. She Looks EXACLY the same as Rachelle did in New Moon and she sounds exacly like Rachelle did in Twilight. Her Acting was Amazing!
There were a whole lot of uncompleted scenes though. The fight scene for example, you could still see all wires lifting everyone up also there were alot of parts with the wolfs that wernt finished.
The Acting was 10x better then it was in New Moon aswell. KRISTEN HARDLY BLINKED!!!
Although the only complaint from me was KRISTENS WIG IS TO FnCKING DESTARACTING!!!! IT LOOKS FO FAKE!
Before it started some guy from Summit said that they are going to release the teaser trailer On Janurary 18th at the Golden Globes.