Rob photoshoot!
Ohyfsade fans
Respect rob!
RESPECT ME is a campaign to make everyone RESPECT ROBERT PATTINSON. Recently after the excess of Twilight, Rob has been stalked by the paparazzieverywhere he goes. A few days ago he was literally attacked by crazy, wild fans during the first day filming on the set of "Remember Me". He didn't need bodyguards before, but now because of crazy fans he HAS to have them. So, we are really really tired and mad with those girls, the media and fansites that have been publishing things about his PRIVATE life and/or stalking him everywhere! We know that now he is under the spotlight and everyone wants to know what is he doing or where he is, but there are ways to do so properly, and we know so many girls in the world want to know him, be near him or take pictures with him, but there are ways too!, He is not an OBJECT, he is a human being that NEEDS to walk, breathe, WORK or even smoke in peace! It is so sad to watch videos of the disturbing things in NY with girls crowding to take pics with Rob anyhow! That's so RUDE girls! That's not being a REAL fan! See that Rob's expression broke our hearts and almost made us cry! Really! So, we decided to start this campaign against all that we think is not cool to Rob! He needs to be respected! You need to respect his private life!
Wanna help us?
Om du har en blogg, hemsida etc, publicera gärna detta så att fler får reda på denna kampanjen.
(förlåt för svordomarna men blir så sur när folk håller på så..)
Robert Pattinson signerad guitarr
Robert + Katy = False!
Rob på framsidan av en rysk bok
Popsugar Awards!
Biggest Movie of 2009: New Moon
After Twilight blew up the box office a year ago, the fan base for Stephenie Meyer's vampire series exploded and suddenly everyone was rabid for developments about the sequel. So when 2009 came around and New Moon mania hit full force, whether you liked it or not, the movie and its stars were everywhere.
Pressure was on the studio to make the sequel bigger and better than the original and amidst a controversial change in director, casting rumours came fast and furious. Everyone from Madonna to High School Musicalers were reported to be connected to the film, with big names like Dakota Fanning and Michael Sheen eventually landing roles.
As production on the film motored on, tidbits of information began leaking. Mag covers, stills, trailers; we just couldn't get enough. Team Edward or Team Jacob? Are Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson dating? It was all we could talk about. So it was little wonder that by the time the premiere rolled around on November 20, the film smashed record, after record, after record. And in the end it didn't matter whether the film was actually good or not, because on hype alone New Moon was the biggest film of 2009- taking the bloodsucker phenomenom to a whole new level.
May the Eclipse craziness begin.
Oh don't give me that look. With Rob and Kristen named hottest couple and New Moon as our pick for 2009's biggest flick, even my 90-year-old nan saw this one coming. The Twilight hunk's name was on everyone's lips in 2009, and with good reason. Those brooding eyes, that hair,that chest, R-Patz, as our favourite big screen vampire Edward Cullen, made the idea of a particularly violent hickey sound good. So thumbs up for a stellar year R-Patz. We can't wait to see you up on the big screen in 2010.
Robert Pattinson och Emilie De Ravin I Vouge
Gossip Cop can confirm that Robert Pattinson and his “Remember Me” co-star Emilie de Ravin shot a spread for Vogue yesterday in Los Angeles.
Pattinson and de Ravin posed for a number of photos in different exhibition spaces throughout the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA).
Much of the shoot took place in cordoned off areas before LACMA opened to the public at noon.
The photos are slated to run in Vogue’s March “Power Issue,” which hits newsstands just about three weeks before the release of “Remember Me.”
Emilie de Ravin’s rep confirmed to Gossip Cop that details of yesterday’s museum shoot were “accurate.”
Så det låter som om det snart kommer en photoshoot på Rob och Emilie i Vogue!Robert Pattinson: How to be Audition tape!
Intervju med Robert Pattinson!
New Moon drog in 140,7 miljoner dollar under öppnings-helgen och blir därmed den 3:e mest inkomstbringande filmen under sin första helg någonsin.
Säkert var Robert Pattinsons bara överkropp en av de större anledningarna till att det gick så bra för filmen.
Rob är så sööt!
Robert - #6 Man of the year!
Under 2009 var alla ögon på RPattz. Trots att endast släppa en film, det fanns få människor vars ansikte sålt flertidningar, vars varje ord blir mer av en rippel och vars offentliga framträdanden orsakade sådan uppståndelse. Under så hård press, en hel del 23-årig skådespelare i slutändan skulle få problem, ägna sig åt till den grad av överskott och nedslående sina fans. Men på något sätt, det passar just-for-stjärnstatus Robert Pattinson tog det hela med ett godmodigt leende och själv-avvärjande charm. I "Twilight" och därefter verkar hans framtid så ljus att han sannolikt kommer att bli mousserande ganska länge.
Bilder på Rob från La Press Conference
Så söt han är! Här är några bilder på rob från La Press Conference.
Rob berättar 5 tips om hur man dumpar någon på rätt sätt.
Best of 09 British Actors
Rob - snurrig i spanien
Remember me - biopremiär 26 Mars!
Två roliga intervjuer med Rob samt Kristen
Rob goes sexy
Rob: ''Nästan allt som folk sagt om mitt privatliv är falskt.''
Jag tror att det sker eftersom det egentligen inte finns så mycket att säga om vad jag gör," sa Pattinson . "Medan jag filmar, bor jag nästan som en eremit på hotellet. Jag kommer endast att arbeta, och ibland gå ut på middag. Men om du läser tidningar, verkar det som om jag har en rasande hög liv. ''