New moon mistakes

Moviemistakes har en lista på vad de gjorde fel i New moon .Än så länge finns det 34 st! Här är några:

  • Bella’s bite mark scar is not in the position it should be, compared to where James actually bit her in Twilight.
  • When Jacob first shows off his tattoo, it is up at the top of his shoulder. Then when he is in the forest at the end with Bella and Edward, his tattoo is about 2 inches further down his arm.
  • During the breakup scene, you see a blue marker between Edwards feet in his wideshots.
  • After Bella awakes from the first nightmare, we see her Romeo and Juliet book on the pillow beside her. When
  • Charlie brings in her presents the book is gone, but then reappears on the pillow between shots. (many of our readers at have mentioned this one!)
  • When Bella is at the cafeteria table with Mike, and he is asking her to a movie, her hair keeps moving from behind her ear to hanging in front, and back again.
  • When Bella and Edward enter the chamber with the Volturi, they change which sides they are holding hands on. This also happens when they leave, except it goes from arm on waist to hand holding
  • When Sam comes into the house and kisses his fiance, you can see the ripples in the edges of the plastic film used to put the tattoo on his arm.
  • In the very last scene, right before the ultimatum, if you look into the tail lights on Edward’s car you can see various members of the crew reflected.

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