En artikel med Hollie
Ni känner igen bilderna på tjejen Hollie som fottas med Rob och Kristen. Hon har varit med i radio och blivit intervjuad! Tänk att så mycket kan hända bara för att vara med på två bilder?
Här kommer en artikel med henne.
Hon säger att hon tyckte att Rob var väldigt snäll, och hur avundsjuk blir man inte då?

Heart-throb actor Robert Pattinson, who plays vampire Edward Cullen in the series, and Kristen Stewart, his on-screen love interest Bella Swan, fuelled rumours they are an item in real life by seeing in 2010 on the Island together.
And one lucky Island girl got the only photographic proof of their visit after bumping into them outside Somerfield on the High Street.
Medina High School student Hollie Hayes, 13, is now as much of an internet sensation among Twilight fans as the stars themselves, as the pictures are all over celebrity gossip websites.
She told the CP: "I was with my mum, Dawn, shopping when I saw them with a group of friends. I just shouted 'Oh my God’ and then approached them. Rob Pattinson was really nice."
One of the pair’s friends took the pictures for Hollie, before they swiftly departed and were later spotted at the St Boniface Arms and the Spyglass Inn, on New Year’s Eve.
Läs mer här. (källa)
