Ash in SoBe Ad
Ashley är med och stödjer SoBe's nya kampanj för deras nya vatten - med smak av Cherimoya Punch and Strawberry Dragonfruit, och kommer att posera för det i deras nya specialdesignade surfardräkter i deras nya efterlängtade nummer av Sport's Illustrated som kommer ut i februari. Än så länge så finns bara en bild ute och en behind the scens bild. Se även video nedan! :D
Nothing comes between Ashley Greene and her SoBe. Nothing….zero! And to prove it, “The Twilight Saga” actress is celebrating the launch of SoBe Lifewater’s newest 0 calorie flavors – Cherimoya Punch and Strawberry
Dragonfruit – by posing in SoBe skinsuits for the pages of Sports Illustrated’s iconic Swimsuit issue. The advertising spread from SoBe, a vibrant PepsiCo brand, appears exclusively in the eagerly-anticipated 2010 edition which hits newsstands Wednesday, February 10.
Participating in the SoBe skinsuit campaign was a no brainer for Greene, a self-proclaimed SoBe fan. “Being a part of the SoBe skinsuit shoot in the Turks and Caicos was amazing,” said Ashley Greene, who calls the detailed bikini and one-piece SoBe skinsuits real works of art. “It took the artist 12 hours to paint the SoBe scales on each skinsuit, but it was totally worth it. It’s an experience I’ll never forget.”
Nedanför får ni en video med Ash!
Källa: Twifans