Twilight karaktärernas nyårslöften

4TNZ har gjort en lista med nyårslöften som twilightkaraktärerna borde ha. Det här är vad de kom på:

Edward: Maybe consult travel agents, and girlfriends, before booking trips abroad.

Bella: Be more decisive. Especially with boys.

Jacob: Get into a healthy relationship. Even if it’s with a baby.

Alice: Perspective: to see things more clearly!

Emmett: Hit the gym less. Not like I’m working out for my health.

Jasper: Not so much a diet, just control those hunger cravings.

Carlisle: Develop some new medical treatment techniques. Biting people is a bit old fashioned. And kind of obvious.

Rosalie: Been looking shabby. Glam it up more!

Paul: Enroll in an anger management class.

Jessica: Take a few chances with the “homies”.

Emily: Muffins. They need to be larger.


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